Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Coach for your look?

Coaching for your look – learning with an expert

Some of use love to spend hours trying clothes on, new hair style, and new make-up. We en joy it, we’re good at it and it’s fun. But for some of us, it’s a drag. Well, you can’t put it off. Even if you don’t enjoy shopping for new clothes and playing with your hair, you have to do it to look great and sexy. You can’t give up on your looks or you’ll end up looking like a granny.

The value of professional coaching for your look is that it will help you identify your goals quickly and to make a plan that will work for you. The plan and goals will be set according to your personality and your taste. Once the plan is agreed upon and that you are satisfied with the goals set, you can start changing and it will reflect it in your choice of clothing.
Sometimes a small change and help from a professional coach can help you in more ways than one. It is also mainly make you aware of the importance of our appearance in work and social life.
 Many dress codes are set by the sector of activity in which you work. You need to blend in for work but you also need to learn to let your personality shine through and to make a statement about you and your power.

Clothing styles are not small matters - they influence the actions, perceptions and recruitment of employers.
So how do you dress in a way that reflects an unconscious image of yourself? How do you make people want to know you and be close to you?
Generally, you want to be selecting items which reflect good taste and quality.
Your coaching guide will create an image using his technical knowledge as a professional; study your shape, the shape of your face and body, makeup, cosmetics, all with a sense of psychology.

What to wear in professional environment
Some environments are very strict and leave very little to originality: justice, finance, legal, secretarial, property management and human resources.

The dress or skirt suit for women emerges important values and discipline of the position.
The impression of being strict, seriousness, and social success are conveyed.

Another area where the image is very important because it provides information on the values of the company are: sale, hospitality, commercial, catering, home or person is in constant relationship with the customer and must be perfectly clean. Both the level of hygiene are in the person and in the dress.
In computing, marketing, administration, engineers, some managers, itis allowed more relaxed.

In education, retail, journalism you can adopt a more personal style.

If you are in the business of art, advertising, design … your style is so creative, original artists, a mix of genres, motifs, materials, fantasies with still more sober than the previous style.

The dress code is one element that can be accepted and respected. You need to get it right. It will help you get what you want from men and women, recruiting, good communication, access to developments, sign a contract, be assertive, access to property, and it can help you generate more revenue. You can look strict and sexy at the same time, professional and pretty. You just need to pay attention to each and every detail or get help from a coach.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Treat Me Nice Anytime

My friend Suzie says that she does not like compliments. "I never know what to say. I blush, I'm embarrassed..." and I feel very different from her. I love a compliment! I really like it when a man says that I am sexy and pretty. Even if I understand how she feels, I still want to be looked at and kissed and receive compliments every day. I want my man to be nice to me - anytime – all the time.

What type or girl are you? Do you hide, turn your head, look at the floor and whisper out a shy "That's nice." Or do you look up and say “thank you”. I always thank someone who compliments me and it normally brings a big smile to my face. I’m sure it also depends of your friends and if they give you lots of compliments or not very often. The more you hear them and the more you will get use to say thank you and smile and take it for what it is – someone telling you that you look nice and that your efforts to dress nice are worth it.
Surely my friend Suzie is not used to it, no doubt. So I will make a conscious effort to tell her more often that she looks nice without being fake course. Whatever the reason for the compliment - whether it's clothing, hairstyle, her eyes, her smile ... etc.

She hates being complimented but she will get use to it and grow her confidence.
I am not trying to please anyone other than myself but I know that I want the attention. That would motivate me to make any effort to be presentable and fashionable at all times.

Recently, I was told I was attractive. The words were from of a man who is very sincere. He was not flirting with me but spoke from his heart. It was a simple compliment. Nothing more. But it made me smile and he knew that I would have a smile on all day from his words so please be nice to me…anytime.

Monday, 22 March 2010

MP Nadine Dorries Says No to Lingerie

MP Nadine Dorries has called for erotic lingerie bus adverts to be banned in order to protect kids. She wants lingerie adverts that are too erotic to be banned in order to protect children as they could be getting the wrong ideas about sex.

Nadine Dorries also suggested that lads magazines featuring semi-naked girls on the cover should be removed from child-eye level in newsagents. But are we too open about sex? Are we showing too much to children? If you walk down the high street and look at magazines, adverts, shop windows, bus adverts and even TV, you will soon realise that sex is everywhere. The only thing is, do the kids really take any notice? I am not sure that they do. For sure, the teenagers will notice but the kids are just not so influence by this.

However, Nadine Dorries is right and we should try to protect the young children better from erotic images. I love to go shopping for sexy lingerie but I know where to go and buy lingerie. I do not need to see it on the side of a bus. The MP for Mid-Bedfordshire was targeting a specific advert - an Armani advertising campaign on London buses which features images of Megan Fox, the beautiful Hollywood star, in very sexy lingerie. You can barely see the name of the company on the advert but you can see Megan’s perfect body. It is becoming more hardcore and shocking and something needs to be done to sort the family advert from the adult only advert. Is it now normal and ok to have larger-than-life posters of scantily clad in our high street?

We have to be careful not to reveal too much to young children and teenagers and let them grow up to discover the pleasure of flirting and dating when they are ready for it. We all enjoy looking at a beautiful sexy body and will always help in advertising but also have to be careful to keep certain images to adults only. It seems that our quest for lust and sexy bodies is sometimes taking over our family values.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

How To Look Younger

We all want to keep looking young and healthy and have a good skin. But there are so many products on the market that we don’t know where to turn. Here’s my advice to look after your skin and keep looking young and sexy even if you are not 20.

Anti-aging experts will recommend having a full survey of your skin and tailoring solutions to individual cases. It’s difficult to predict how we'll grow old ... Besides genetics, the sun, smoking, stress, disease and lifestyle have to be taken into account. You can always ask advice from friend or your beauty therapist to know what works for them and what they recommend.

Start using a moisturizer early on, in your 20s. From the age of 40, I would recommend using treatment creams which include hyaluronic acid and to take dietary supplements containing vitamin E and avocado oil. It's a great way to keep your skin looking young and make you feel sexy and happy. You should be able to get these in a pharmacy or in some health shops. It is also recommended to take this treatment for two months, twice a year.

I also recommend using organic argan oil (this is a fabulous product from Morocco) for your skin and your hair. It helps prevent aging, spots and will help any skin condition. It is a bit expensive but it will go a long way as you only need to use a few drops to massage into the skin.

What Is Eye Cream And At What Age Should I Start Using It?

Every day, we blink, squint and rub our eyes and this will stretch the skin around the eyes. Eye cream is designed to help protect and nourish this delicate area around the eyes. Experts say that the areas around our eyes are the most sensitive and should be moisturised on a regular basis, at least twice a day. Before you decide to buy a new eye cream, it is important to know which kind of cream you need. Different eye creams do different things. Some hide and eliminate fine lines, others get rid of dark circles and some others can even reduce puffiness. A light cream or jet (also called serum) will be best as it will not clock up the pores.

Lips – hot to prevent wrinkles on the upper lip

The area around the lips, especially the upper lip, tends to wrinkle more than the rest of the face. It’s because the skin can be quite thin in this area. You can plump it up and smooth it by pinching the skin slightly. You need to pinch it with the end of the finger and thumb, slightly, in the opposite way to the lines. Start from the edge of the lip and carry on till the skin is slightly red. Don't do this just before meeting your sexy man or he might wonder what happened to your sexy mouth!

Night cream
Most experts agree that you should be using a wrinkle cream, or face night cream, by the time you hit your 40's. Look for samples of face creams in women’s magazine. These offers allow you to test the cream free of charge and decide if it’s right for you.

All these tips should help you look great and sexy for years to come. Also remember to laugh and enjoy yourself as the best way to keep looking good is to have fun.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

10 Things To Forget the EX

We've all had our heard broken at least once in our life and it's not easy to deal with when it happens. We feel low, we feel miserable when we once use to feel fun and sexy. It's not a nice thing when it happens but the important thing is to recover quickly. You can't let someone reject you and feel down for too long. Here are a few tips to forget about your ex and move on.

Remember that you have no chance of finding a new man and falling in love again (or just have a bit of fun) if you can't manage to move on and forget about the ex. Remember he's history. What happen is in the past and you are now free to go out and have plenty of fun in London.
  • Talk to your friends about painful memories and what happened between you and your ex. You will feel better as soon as you can talk about it and it will help you analyse your situation, past, current and future. You will have a better idea of what you want in future. It is also ok to talk to your ex and review and discuss painful memories associated with you story.
  • Be clear with your ex. Deal with any unresolved tough issues such as money, things that you have bought together, and get some arrangements as fast as possible. The quicker you can make decisions on the split the better you will feel.
  • Have fun! Go and see a good movie, travel, enjoy outdoor activities, games, spend times online, see your friends.
  • Find yourself a new hobby if you feel like you need something new to take your mind of things. From pole dancing class to yoga or learning Spanish...London will have everything you will want to do.
  • Exercise: set yourself a new challenge if you are up for it or simply spend time walking outdoor or running or swimming. It will help you take your mind of your ex and will increase your good mood.
  • Work hard: if you spend a long day in the office sorting out projects which had been postponed for a long time, you will certainly forget your ex and feel positive and the feeling of having achieved something positive for yourself will give you self confidence.
  • Look after yourself: you have time on your own so use it to pamper yourself with massage, shopping, beauty therapy. It will give you confidence and new clothes and a new haircut will help you with a new start. Why not change the colour of your hair? And buy yourself new sexy lingerie. He will be sorry when he sees how confident you look.
  • Go out: see people, visit friends and family and have a good time socialising with new people. Don't be shy to call up friend that you have not seen in a long time. They will certainly be pleased to see you again and new stories will help you move on and look towards a fun future without the ex.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Body Language - Does he Fancy You?

Body language -You can learn some much about someone when you start to look. If they find you sexy or not and if they are attracted and free or not.

Crossed arms? Upset or getting ready for confrontation.
Open arms and palms open? Open to receive your attention and share.

Looking at you in the eyes? He's paying attention to you and your words.
Looking above you or around the room and scratching nervously (head or arms)? He's got too much going on right now and he doesn't want to be with you.

What can you tell about your man from his body language? A LOT!

I guess if you have been in a relationship for a long time, you completely know your partner and you can tell the happy mood from the grumpy mood in one glance. However, when you are starting to date, it’s not so easy. So here are a few tips to find out more about your date then he or she is willing to reveal openly

Positive signs

Does he keep a good posture while appearing at ease? A person who is slumped is likely to be bored. Someone who stands up and stands right is attentive.

Does he look at you in the eyes? Yes, then he is paying attention to you and it’s all going well.

Is you date leaning forward as you talk in a bar or a restaurant? It might not be just the loud music. He or she is comfortable with you. Leaning forward shows interest and liking – you are sharing space with the other person and want to be close to them. This is a good way for a sexy girl to show that great top she's just bought and which is enhancing her cleavage. It's a good way to smell the other one too. Did he use a nice and sexy perfume before meeting you? You know he has a plan to take it further.

These are unconscious physical signs which are unmistakable.

So how do you know if someone is sexually attracted to you?

If you really fancy someone and you can’t wait to let them know but are worried to know how he feels then pay close attention to the object of your fancy and study the signs! It can be very tricky being able to tell if someone is sexually attracted to you, although you can learn to read their body language.

Number one is the smile. Does he have a very large smile on his face when you meet outside the train station? That’s definitely a positive sign that he likes you.

Eyes are the Window to the Soul
Does he check you out when you get up to get drinks? You can easily tell. Use the large mirror behind the bar to check! If you dress up in a very sexy outfit and he doesn’t look at your body, maybe there is something else or someone else on his mind. If he does, he is definitely considering a sexual relationship with you.
Pay attention to how he look at you. The longer your eyes meet and you are both smiling and feeling open, the more you can tell the sexual attraction.

and are you aware of your own body language?
Women: does she flick her hair and smile? She fancies you.
Women: does she face you with open shoulders, her body and her face both facing you. She is opening her body to you in more ways that think!

The next step is to communicate verbally and not just with our bodies. That can be quite tricky as well but it's all part of the fun.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

How to deal with a terrible date?

I always tell you that London is fun fun fun for a sexy girl and that I love to go out and enjoy myself with men and friends but sometimes, it happens that I go out on a date and I have a bad time because the date is boring or we are not in the right mood.

How to deal with an unpleasant date?

A bad date is one thing that could happen to you. The person can end up being rude or boring and you just want to go away.
Or do you have nothing in common?
Or mutual nervousness in this kind of situation has caused a misunderstanding?

Here are some guidelines that should help you

when it's your first date with the man or the woman you are meeting, why not make it a set time, for instance lunch from 1 to 2 or drinks from 5 to 7pm. Then you both have an agreement that you can go your own way after a short time or take it further if it goes well.

If the guy is being rude or nasty. don't hang around, just leave. He's not worth your time and a sexy girl can always find pleasant men to spend her time with and does not need to waste time with arrogant men.

If you have nothing in common, stick to what was expected (ie dinner for example) and then put a stop to it as soon as enough time has passed. Needless to prolong the meal with a nightcap or more if the vibe is not right.

If you are both paralyzed by stage fright, then you need to help him relax and see the date with fun in mind. Maybe a few drink of champagne will help but do not get drunk. No more than a few sips in order to relax.

Never do anything that might put you at risk or make you feel uncomfortable. You do not need to impress your date. He has to impress you!

How to handle the next day:

Do not feel guilty. It's all part of life and be proud that you are meeting new people and having fun rather than stay home and watch TV every weekend

Call a friend to share the details of your evening, try to identify the positives and take it in a humorous way.

Do something fun to forget this episode. Go out with a man you know well and who can show you how to have a good time and forget the other boring men.

Be honest if the person calls you again to ask about a second appointment and you are not interested. Tell him that you do not think that it will work.

If you liked the person despite the fact that the evening wnt so badly, give him a second chance. But only one more.


The first appointment is an opportunity for two people meet physically and mentally. Try to find something to do that you both enjoy. You can have a good time without talking if you want to do something more physical and have nothing to discuss. or you can talk a lot if you both want to. It's all part of the fun of having new experience.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Beauty sexy advice for men

Does anyone here really think that women shoould shave and look after their skin but men should look rough? Well, think again because men should always try to look hot and sexy. You never know when or who you're going to meet, right? so you must try to impress and look sexy at all times. Sure, we see sexy girls all the time in London.

London girls spend hours looking after their looks, finding sexy outfits and making sure they look their best and we do see more men who make an effort and look after their skin and the way they look.

You want to be one of them? Well here's a few tips for you....to be one very sexy man!

Healthy skin
Boys, look after your skin. Specific Anti-aging, shaving, care, all your questions are answered and there are easy ways to improve your skin without spending hours in front of the mirror or spending a fortune. Looking after your skin is the first lesson of beauty for men.

The skin of men is different from that of women for hormonal reason: the secretion of testosterone. Men's skin is thicker, firmer, richer in collagen. It is better hydrated does age as fast. The men have also a fattier skin and the greatest difference is hairs! The testosterone hardens the hairs in the follicule. That's why we look different! If you don't want to shave everyday, it can be a very sexy look. Make sure it suits you though and also, ask the girls who is kissing you everyday if she is ok with it. I'm sure she will find you sexy no matter what. From the age of 30, it is recommended to use a daily hydrating cream. It will only take 5 minutes after shaving to apply so there is no excuse. Make sure to clean your skin first.

Healthy hair
Well, if you lose your hair, don't panic. Look at Bruce Willis! We all find him sexy and in fact, most women find this sexy so there is nothing to worry about. You must remember that a clean completely shaved look is always always going to look better than greasy long hair down the side of your head!! (just in case...)
If you do have plenty of hair, just make sure it's clean AT ALL TIMES. You will look sexy in black or salt and pepper but don't be shy to ask your hairdresser to get rid of the grey hairs if you want to look younger. A lot of sexy men use this trick to keep looking hot and young for longer.

Men are spending more and more time refining their grooming habits but sometimes seem to forget to keep the eyebrows tidy. It's so important! You need to learn how to properly shape eyebrows. It has become a necessary skill. Make sure to keep the few wild hairs under control (check at least once a week) especially as you get older. And please do something about your one-eyebrow if you're in that situation. It won't hurt and it will make you look human again. Remember that wild hairs on your eyebrows or one long eyebrow across your face means you will be going home alone after the night our next Saturday. You choose!

Make sure that you always have a fresh breath before a date or seeing and kissing your woman. If you smoke or drink booze, then you need to brush your teeth before trying to kiss your sexy girl or she will not hang around for long. You've been warned. A sexy man is a man with a clean breath.

Some men have a dirty job, cleaning cars, working with your hands, using heavy tools....and it will show on your hands unless you do something about it! If you need to wear gloves to keep your hands from grease and dirt, they do it. Otherwise, make sure you use the right products to keep your hands clean all the time. And use hand cream after cleaning your hands to keep them soft. You sexy girl will appreciate and will let you get your hands everywhere you want....

Sunday, 14 March 2010

what to do on a first date with a friend

It's always a tough question. How do you behave on a first date? what do you do? what do you wear? It's generally a time when the man is nervous but will try to hide it and the woman is also very nervous and won't hide it so well so she will tend to talk too much or be really quiet. And how sexy are you supposed to look? Too sexy and you might give the wrong impression and set the wrong expectations for a guy but then if you don't try to look sexy on your first date? then when will you try!!! It's important to show a man that you can be sexy and attractive otherwise why would he want to see you again and try to get to know you. You want some love and magic to happen, don't you ??

Your first date is always an important and daunting. This is where everything is and can switch from one side or the other. Bear in mind that you can make a difference by following the 10 following tips - and get more confidence.

1. Be on time
Nobody likes to wait. Arrive on time not only shows your respect the date but also that you are a person on which he can rely.

2. Pay attention to how you look
A little grooming does not cost much and can have great effect! Make sure you dress sexy and have done something nice with your hair, ideally away from your face so he can see your smile.We should not judge others on appearances ? Well, the truth is, everyone does!

3. Do not talk only about yourself
You need to get to know your date so you need to ask question and listen. Try to prepare a few questions before the date to give you some training and motivation. Also, remember to not always say "me too" when he reveals something about himself. It's good to have things in common but if it's too much on the first chat, it can appear as fake.

4. Keep it simple
It is true that a nice car, a nice bunch of roses or a gift does not hurt. Be careful not to overdo it either.
The best first appointments are often the simplest and most natural. People tend to be uncomfortable and ill at ease with someone who seeks by all means to impress.
Be yourself, calm, easy and relaxed. The rest will take its course naturally.

5. Drink sensibly
Remember that old advertisement: "A glass that is three glasses, etc .... .
One or two drinks can relax and have conversation easier but do not abuse it.
If you think that drinking a lot makes you irresistible (it's usually what people think when it is the fifth whiskey), well think again.
keep it to a few drinks in good company and do not get drunk.

6. Keep your focus on your date
Well, we all tend to look around when we walk into a bar or a restaurant, it's normal. But don't keep looking around as you are talking or listening to your date. There is nothing worse than realizing that the person in front of you constantly looking at someone behind you. It is not only rude but it gives the impression that the conversation and the person does not interest you. Eye contact shows your interest will give your date confidence. Also, it will make you look sexy.

7. Do not ask questions that can be too personal
This is a tough one to get right when you try to get to know someone. Remember it is your first real contact and you're still almost strangers to one another. Nobody feels comfortable to reveal to someone that barely knows his deepest fears and anxieties. Stay relatively vague and impersonal in your questions and try not to revive a topic that seems difficult. If all goes well, you'll have ample time to go into details later.

8. Do not talk about your ex
Do we really need to tell you why? It's won't make you look sexy if you start talking about your ex or numbers of them! You can talk about what you like in men or women but do not be specific about previous experience. Wait till you are in the bedroom to discuss sexual taste.

9. Maintain the conversation
This may be one of the most difficult things to do: find new topics to discuss with someone and keeping it fairly light and natural. If you want to discuss sex on the first date, you are setting expectations very clearly and you will be expected to deliver. is this really what you want.

10. Look confident
We've all heard it before, confidence is everything. If you look happy, people will be attracted to you. I always meet more men and more confident men when I feel happy and confident. Mostly in the summer when the sun gives my skin a nice glow and I feel pretty. It's not a mystery. it's the way people see you.
So remember to smile, laugh and look your date in the eyes. Believe in yourself and your ability to give him a good time.
If you believe you are sexy, then everyone will believe it too!